Wisdom Through the Ages How to Tap into the Benefits of a Multi-Generational Workforce
From Glassdoor to Forbes, it seems as though everyone is touting the benefits of a multi-generational workforce, and with good reason. Having employees of all different ages, some workforces ranging from as much as 25 to 80, has been proven to give companies a greater competitive advantage over those that are more insular or uniform with regard to age. Why? Well, quite simply, because in this competitive marketplace, the sharing of a greater range of knowledge, ideas, and skillsets keeps companies relevant, more in tune with customer and client bases, and has the added benefit of improving overall employee well-being. But a highly functioning multi- generational workforce does not happen by accident. It takes deliberation not just in the hiring process, but on the team-building end too, greasing the wheels of communication, mentorship, and cross-generational inspiration, and that’s where WellnessAMPED is here to help.
Most companies have policies in place for the more recognized forms of workplace discrimination, such as sexual or racial. What they don’t have is a way to tackle what is now being recognized as the most common type of intolerance in the workplace, and that’s age discrimination. And we’re not just talking about underappreciating the contributions of older employees. As any Millennial can tell you, they’ve encountered their fair share of narrow-mindedness as well. So, how do you take a group of talented individuals of all different ages and help them work together as a cohesive, advantageous, healthy whole? Here are some tips!
Encourage Leadership Skills at Every Level
Whether an employee is in charge of an entire division or sweeping the floor, their self- leadership abilities, capacity to lead their peers when necessary, and the confidence to deal with problems on their own, rather than delegating upward, is essential to a company’s overall success. One great way to encourage leadership in a multi- generational workforce is to implement mentorship programs. Older employees can teach younger ones much in the way of customer relations, for instance, and younger members can keep older members of your workforce abreast on new technological advancements and trends. These types of programs leverage the strengths of your employees for maximum benefits, while creating an atmosphere of shared learning and excitement in your workplace.
Focus on Inclusionary Language
Many companies describe themselves as “Fresh and Innovative” or “Modern and Fast- Paced, which can alienate the older generations. Conversely, many brands celebrate their “Classic”, “Worldly” attributes, and place an exorbitantly high value on “Years of Experience”. One way or the other, without even realizing it, they’ve sent a warning signal to half of potential employees that they’re not wanted, and are actively alienating those they have who might not define themselves by those terms. Focusing on timeless terms, such as “respectable”, “ingenuity”, and “professional” will go a long way toward attracting a more diverse pool of applicants, while increasing a sense of belonging amongst your existing workforce.
And the best part is, that’s just scratching the surface. Here at WellnessAMPED, we specialize in creating happy, healthy, harmonious environments for you and your multi- generational employees, so that each company can operate at its highest potential. We offer a wide range of corporate training, programs, and engagement strategies, individually designed to address the unique needs of each workforce. Let us help you create the multi-generational workforce that will give your company a distinct advantage over the competition, or shape the one you already have into a cohesive, highly functioning whole. You, your employees, and your bottom line will be healthier for it.